March 20, 2009

Vita-Mix Giveaway!

Oh yes, you read that correctly, I’m giving away a Vita-Mix! After a long dreary winter we could all use some cheering up and in an attempt to make one lucky person especially happy, I’m giving away a brand new Vita-Mix 5200. If you’ve never heard of Vita-Mix then you live under a rock. Seriously. It’s a high powered blender that can chew up virtually anything. How do I know this?
Quick Raspberry Ice Cream

Recently the wonderful people at Vita-Mix offered to let me try one out and I jumped at the chance. I love kitchen toys and this is a particularly awesome one. After playing around with it for a while, (and pretty much throwing everything in my fridge and cupboard into the canister just to watch it blend) I decided it was selfish of me to keep something so great all to myself. But I didn’t want to give it up though either. So I asked Vita-Mix if they would be willing to give away another blender to one of my readers. They graciously agreed and there you have it.

Silky Smooth Pumpkin Soup

I’m not the only one who thinks highly of Vita-Mix. Michael Ruhlman lists their blender as one of his favourite kitchen gadgets, (besides his hands that is). And I could give you a list of all the things you can do with your Vita-Mix, but we’d be here forever.

Almond and Lemon Macaron

Here are a few random suggestions:

  • Grind your own almonds and then proceed to make Almond and Lemon Macarons.
  • Whip up a homemade prune and Armagnac bbq sauce and then smother it on ribs.
  • Whir together some cream, sugar and frozen fruit and you’ve got soft serve ice cream, freeze it a little longer if you want to be able to scoop it.
  • Smoothies, smoothies, smoothies.
  • Soup! You can make hot soup, from raw ingredients in about 5 minutes. And the texture is out of this world, super smooth.
Homemade BBQ Rib Sauce In Blender, After Blending and On Ribs

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Want a chance to win? There are lots of ways:
  1. Leave a comment on this post telling me your favourite Spring recipe.
  2. Twitter about the giveaway, linking to this post and leave me another comment to let me know. Or follow me on Twitter! @jumboempanadas
  3. Post about the giveaway on Facebook, linking to this post and leave me another comment to let me know.
  4. Post about the giveaway on your own blog, linking to this post and leave me another comment to let me know.
I'll give you an entry ballot for each way that you enter the contest. Unfortunately the contest is only open to readers in the USA and Canada, (but I love you all equally). Make sure you leave an email address,(or link to your blog if you have one) so that I can contact you if you win. The contest will run until Saturday, March 28th, at which point I’ll use a random number generator to determine a winner. Good luck everyone! Happy Spring!

Banana Berry Smoothie


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Anonymous said...

OMG. I need one of those soooo badly. I have no food processor and just a sad old Osterizer that belonged to my parents. It smells funny when you run it and it has a hard time with anything that's not almost all liquid to begin with (making hummus is a nightmare).

I'll be retweeting this and mentioning it on my blog, too.

Nicole said...

I would love to win a vita-mix! I don't have a blender and I've been wanting to make blendy treats :D

I posted this on twitter and I'm adding it to my latest blog post, too!

Eliza524 said...

I need this so much. I was trying to make Dorie Greenspan's Lemon Cream (or Pierre Herme's depending on how you look at it) and my old blender won't cut it. The cream never sets up. :( Please!

Tamara said...

In the spring I love to roast asparagus and then eat it like candy! My older blender died a sad death and we are suffering from smoothie withdrawal so I would love a vita-mix.

Anonymous said...

Followed you on Twitter and retweeted as well as shared the Blog Post on my Facebook :D Cheers!

Domestic Diva said...

They had one of these at the restaurant i worked at - it turned roasted butternut squash into a puree so silky I'd wear it. I so badly want one of my own.
My favourite spring recipe would be a spring pea pesto (recipe on my neglected blog) with fresh mint from my parent's garden.
I've posted this on twitter and facebook :)

Anonymous said...

I've been coveting a Vita-Mix for ages now! I grew up with one and often used it to prep fruit for jam making or to turn frozen bananas into "ice cream." These days, I'd use it to make a bright spring soup of peas and a bit of green garlic.

Unknown said...

OH.....Well in my family we love smoothies, but our favourite spring thing is English peas just straight out of the pod. SO I guess with the mixer we'd just whiz up some peas and perhaps some mint and make a fresh pea soup of some sort.

As I freeze here on the first day of Spring in New England peas seem so close yet so far away.

Leah Klein
Boston Food Mom

Sara said...

What a great giveaway! My favorite spring recipe is roasted asparagus. Simple and delicious.

Amy said...

Oh my gosh! I want one!!!

My favorite recipe is anything that takes advantage of all the fresh fruits and veggies available. I'm also going to tweet and blog about this.

kickpleat said...

I've been drooling to try a vita-mix!! My favorite spring recipe would be a creamy-lemony asparagus pasta dish. I'll be twittering about this too!

Jill said...

My favorite recipe for spring THIS year has been a good plain yogurt with a touch of sweetener and kiwis and bananas cut up into it.

Sara said...

A Vita Mix? I want to go to there....
My favorite spring recipe is a salad, a delicate salad, nice light leafy greens, a little vinaigrette, and small diced veggies....and maybe some fruit sorbet for dessert.

Cyndi said...

I would love to win one of these! I hear amazing things about the Vita-Mix and would definitely put it to good use!

For spring,I love making desserts with berries...especially pairing them with lemon!

Cyndi said...

Just re-tweeted your Twitter update about the contest and started following you! @Cynsational

Unknown said...

My favorite spring food - I can't decide between blueberry muffins and strawberry-spinach salad.
Please let me win a Vita-mix!

Sara said...

What a good giveaway!! :) My fav spring recipe would have to be lightly mushed fresh fava beans on crostini. A lot of work to prepare favas, but they are SOOOOO good!

ChickPea said...

Oh my, you have no idea how much I covet the Vita Mix machines that I see featured on so many blogs. I make a smoothie nightly, so I have a healthy appreciation for the world of blended concoctions. I love all the ideas you provided in this post!

Sara said...

I also twittered about the giveaway (cupcake_muffin). Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Maria said...

What a fabulous giveaway! My favorite recipe for spring is probably strawberry shortcake or roasted asparagus.

globe199 said...

My favorite spring recipe is vichyssoise. Here is a recipe: COME TO ME BLENDER

glamah16 said...

This is awesome. I used this once at the caterer I help out with. I will follow you and Twitter about this.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome giveaway! I would love to have a Vita-Mix blender, it would be wicked to get to play with. How awesome is it that you can make hot soup or beverages in it? One of my co-worker's has one, and I'm totally jealous :)

My fave spring recipe? Hmmm. I don't really think of recipes as having a season. I think a great veggie risotto made with asparagus would be a perfect spring recipe!

Lazy Panda said...

My failed attempts at scones make cookies my favorite spring recipes. I like making lemon thyme olive oil cookies (recipe from George Duran on food network) and chewy cranberry almond cookies. Great for tea time!

Experimenting with TJ's lemon pepper pappardelle in the spring is fun, too. I crave the clean flavors of fruit but still want some heartiness for those cooler days. If I win the vitamix I'm making fresh berry ice cream!! My gosh, I could even make my own pate in there! :D

nice said...

pick me! I need one. My favorite spring recipe is simple roasted asparagus.

Snooky doodle said...

what a nice gadget! pity I can't participate. It s very kind of you to think of your bloggers :)

Camille said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway! Crossing fingers...

Peabody said...

My favorite Spring recipe is a Walla Walla Onion and Asparagus quiche.

Katie said...

Oh my Gaaaaaawd. I have mentioned before how easily I could kill someone in exchange for a Vita-mix. Seriously, I have a problem. I should win or I might go out and do something rash in order to get one (this is only sort of a joke).

Well, now that I've fully admitted to my dark, Vita-Mix related thoughts, my favorite Spring recipe! I love crumble in Spring. I know, I know, but there is something about all of those berries that screams, "SPRING!" to me. My only rule is that you have to use Summer fruits: blueberries, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, plums, etc. I would never consider an apple crumble a Spring food, for example.

Katie said...

Also, I posted a link here on Facebook. See, I have no Vita-Mix ethics.

Anonymous said...

Oh-oh......Is that why that big rock weighed so much?? Seriously, maybe I live too far out in the country, but this IS the first I know of the Vita-Mix brand mixers. Is that still OK to enter for your giveaway? I sure hope so.
My fav recipe this time of year is to fire up the charcoal grille, after I clean the snow off, roast some fresh veggies and maybe even a nice Porterhouse steak....Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Aaaah! I did a double-take when I saw the title of your post. What an awesome giveaway! We used Vitamixes when I was at CIA Boot Camp and they are WAY better than your average blender. Heck, you could probably put wooden spoons in a Vitamix and it would crush them into a creamy, smooth soup (not that you'd want to do that, of course.)

Hmm, my favorite spring recipe? Roasted Asparagus (as many other people have said) or anything with strawberries...strawberry shortcake is one of my favorite desserts.

Anonymous said...

YOU'RE GIVING AWAY A VITAMIX???? What are you like the coolest person ever???

Amazing ...

Rachael Narins said...

That is so nice of you to give away! I hope I win! Nothing would be nicer than to make sweet pea soup in it! Just blend up 3 cups of sweet peas with some chicken stock and a touch of cream, salt and pepper! (Does that count as a recipe?) xoxo Rachael

Aressen said...

Nothing says spring to me like lemon meringue pie. Nothing like spending an afternoon with a wire whisk and the windows open...

Emily Wilson said...

ooh! Vita-Mix.

I love a fruit salad for springtime. I made a great one last year with grand marnier whipping cream on top. yum.

Mia said...

Oooooh VitaMix. I've been trying to find a way to justify shelling out the cash for this...I think my favorite spring recipe is one I made for a party last week - homemade whole wheat linguine, studded with bits of chopped chive. Served with a roasted leek puree and some goat cheese, it was wonderfully springy!

sphinx63 said...

I have to say my favorite Spring recipe is strawberry shortcake. But not with those little round shortcakes, I like it on pound cake instead. Thanks!

Unknown said...

my favorite spring recipe is pasta primavera with veggies from the farmers market. i've never entered a giveaway before, but this one is just way too good to pass up!

Ali said...

my favorite spring recipe is probably pesto pasta salad with lots of cheese. :)

Melanie said...

sounds wonderful--my recipe is for strawberry soup-strawberries--yogurt-seltzer and a bit of honey--BLEND!

Lauren said...

ooh fancy!! I love roasted asparagus, and anything with asparagus and mushrooms together!

kayce. said...

my fave spring recipes are salads... that's when the produce starts waking up again and my winter-starved bones want veggies: the fresher the better! my fave salad is a super simple one tho: arugula/baby spinach w/ fresh strawberries & goat cheese, dressed w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper. ALWAYS pleasing.

just followed you on twitter and i am going to rt the giveaway. brb w/ a link! :))

kayce. said...

here's my twitter update:

@design_love said...

sauteed morels in an omelette! and surprise, surprise, I too covet the Vitamix...

Anonymous said...

My favorite spring recipe would be any smoothie recipe. I never crave them in the winter but once spring is here I definitely do. I would love a Vita-mix!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool giveaway! Favorite spring recipe would have to be fresh strawberries sliced over yogurt with pistachios sprinkled on top.

icedteaforme said...

My blender is useless, I could so use this!

I retweeted your post

I mentioned it on my blog

I am now following you on twitter

and here is my fave spring recipe

gently carmelize 1/2 a white, sweet onion, add two handfuls of spinach to soften them, remove from pan and combine with 1/2 cup cream cheese , fry 3 slices of bacon, remove bacon to drain, then add 4 asparagus stalks in the bacon grease, when soft, remove to oven to keep warm with bacon, fry an egg in the same pan, salt and pepper egg while cooking, add a thin slice of havarti to the egg while in the pan to melt the cheese, toast an english muffin, we prefer bays brand(in the cooler by the eggs usually) lightly butter toasted muffin add vegi cream cheese to bottom of muffin, then layer with bacon, asparagus and cheese topped fried egg, put on top of muffin and enjoy, usually with a knife and fork! perfect sunday brunch with freshly pressed coffee!

Rachel H said...

What an awesome giveaway!

I love asparagus in risotto. Yum.

bacon said...

Fresh morels gently fried in butter with a hint of garlic served on fresh toast is a spring delight.

Carson said...

Oooooooh yes please! My favorite spring recipe isn't really a recipe at all:
1. Buy strawberries
2. Wash strawberries
3. Gorge yourself on the strawberries.

Meredith in Wonderland said...

AHHH! Vita-MIX!!!!! So exciting! I would love to make a sweet pea and caramelized shallot puree to serve with some fresh crusty bread in this bad boy!

dawnalee said...

My favorite Spring recipe is. . .salad. With all the fresh baby greens, herbs, flowers, and peas. So many delicious combinations. Yum!

Winning the vitamix would rock. :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for the great giveaway =)
My favorite spring recipe ... pavlova with yogurt and strawberries on top!

c. said...

My blender recently went kaput. I have heard so many good things about Vita-Mix. Thanks for the give-away!

Polina said...

Favorite spring recipe? A simple salad with chopped tomatoes, green onions, and avocado, smothered in olive oil, lemon juice, and a bit of salt.

Digigirl said...

Ooh, a Vita-Mix. I've been lusting after one of those forever!

I've posted about this on Twitter, Facebook and my blog.

A great recipe that makes me think of Spring is delicious crab quiche. Mmm... makes me want to make it now!

Anonymous said...

I want it! (Or, y'know, just tell them to give one to me, a fellow blogger....)

Anonymous said...

Omg I so badly want a vitamix I can't even save up for one cause my sister lost her job and we have rent and stuff to pay a vitamix would help me so great in continueing raw I feel I can't be fully raw cause I don't have a blender a jucier or a dehydtor and I'm trying so hard to be healthy

Email is

Anonymous said...

My favorite springtime food is asparagus! I like to lightly steam it and serve it over herbed couscous with halved grape tomatoes. Super yum!

Anonymous said...

Just put up a tweet about the giveaway. I'll comment again after I post it on my blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

Aaaand blog post is done.

ssomerville said...

I've been drooling over the vitamix for years...alas that's as far as I get to owning one.
Great giveaway!
My favourite spring dish would have to be roasted asparagus.

jefflo said...

whoo hoo! vitamix -- i have to admit i've been living under a rock, but this really is a great giveaway.

any recipe for ice cream is a Spring recipe! ice cream is good for any season

bingsy said...

mother nature already makes my favorite dish - pixie tangerines, only available in the spring!

letsjustescape said...

Not that this is anything new, but I just love roasted asparagus and red peppers over pasta in the spring. It's heavenly. Oh, and I really want a vita-mix!


Cook Afloat said...

My best memories of my children growing up involved the first fruits and veggies of spring and the Vitamix. Lovely fresh juicy milkshakes/ice cream, and soups straight from the garden whipped up in the vitamix.

Alas, much like that marriage my Vitamix is dead and I so miss it. Now we celebrate spring with blanced radishes and fava beans in a lemon beurre blanc with fresh chives and parsley.

I'll mention this on facebook, and my Blog - LePartage

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite spring dishes is Tomato Basil Pie...yum.


Jess said...

My favorite spring recipe is making fresh pesto and tossing it on some homemade pasta. Yum! A vita-mix would be perfect for making some pesto!

Marsha H said...

My brother has a Vita-Mix and loves it. We love his smoothies! My favorite spring recipe? Maybe roasted asparagus if I have to come up with something specific. What I really love in spring are salads and other dishes made with the fresh fruits and vegetables of the season.

Jerry said...

Dr. Pamela Reilly said...

Thanks so much for running this contest!!

My favorite spring recipe is a huge mesclun salad filled with fresh-grown herbs and topped with some raw hemp seed oil, avocadoes, and raw almonds. Heaven!

I now follow you on Twitter.

I tweeted about the contest.

I posted the link on FaceBook.

Have a glorious day!

snicketmom said...

I have wanted one for years!! My favorite spring recipe is simply morels and asparagus sauteed in butter. I can't wait for morels. Thanks for the fun contest!

Pamela said...

Thanks for the giveaway. This would be awesome to win! The thousand's of yummy things I could make. WOW!

Nisa said...

my FAVORITE spring time recipe is fresh berry pies!!! i love taking advantage of all the fresh fruit at the farmer's market and then taking it and baking wonderful goodies (keeping a few to eat munch on fresh, of course :] )!!

love the blog, keep it up. i hope i win~

pietra said...

Oh.... I have been wanting a Vita-Mix for over 20 years. Oh.... now I need one for sure.

My blender went away to college with my son. I miss them both so much. GO DUCKS!!

I posted this link on FACEBOOK as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, awesome! Spring recipe? Sandwiches. I guess they aren't really spring related. But I love sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh exciting! :D

I've posted a link to this post/your blog on my blog! woohoo!

the link to that blog...which is just slowly going to become a mainly food blog of vegan goodies is..

as far as spring recipes. I don't have particular favorites. Moreso just turn to brighter colors in icing and decorating, but also start working more fresh produce in as it becomes available. yum yum yum. also...fresh made lemon bars always seem fitting for spring.

ohhh..e-mail, right? conesandleaves at yahoo dot com

Thanks for setting up this giveaway, how fun. :)

mgaltier said...

My favorite recipe is fruit salad. SImple, I know, but sooo yummy and so welcome after a winter full of root veggies.

Anonymous said...

I posted the giveaway on facebook and will add a link for twitter! I have wanted one for a while but either my daughtr needed something or those who promised me one as a gift never did it.

Patrizzia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hannah queen | honey & jam said...

i would definitely like to enter! my favorite spring recipe is a simple salad with a balsamic dressing.

Patrizzia said...

There is nothing better than fresh bread, fresh mozzarella, homegrown tomatoes, basil leaves and the finest extra virgin olive oil. Yum!

This has been on my wanted list for YEARS. Fingers crossed! :)

Patrizziag (at) comcast (dot) ne

hannah queen | honey & jam said...

i've twittered it!

hannah queen | honey & jam said...

i've also put it on facebook. i'll be sure to blog about it too on my next post.

Susie Buetow said...

This time of the year I get a taste for

1 small can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 small tub Cool Whip or homemade whipping cream (which I use)
1 graham cracker crust

Mix everything together until smooth and pour into pie crust. Refrigerate until set about 1 hour.
I shave on lemon peels! pretty and yummy!

Easy as pie!

Susie Buetow said...

I follow you on twitter Plz do the same for me! I'm susieqtpie

Anonymous said...

So, for real. I just made the shift to more healthy eating and my veggie friend says I have to have a blender on my kitchen counter. And then, this!

Susie Buetow said...

I twittered your giveaway and it also goes on my facebook status!
How fun and thanks for the review

Anonymous said...

I twittered about this! :)

Anonymous said...

my favourite spring recipe is anything with asparagus :)


plur268 at yahoo dot com

Anne said...

Oh my gosh, I've been wanting one of these for a while now! My favorite spring recipe is a simple fresh fruit salad with fruit from the farmer's market. Light, sweet, and delicious! Yum!

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! I love smoothies and anything with fresh fruit in it once the spring weather hits. This looks tasty!

Mrs. B said...

I so want a vitamix!

Susan said...

I'm pregnant and lack a blender so I can make my cravings not cravings any longer, but delights!!

I will be ETERNALLY grateful.

Anonymous said...

wow this is a dream blender!! my favorite spring recipe is roasting some asparagus with just salt and pepper, than once done adding fresh parm and lemon juice!

Anonymous said...

Oy! I want a vitamix so badly! Actually my favorite spring recipe is from the blogger who told me abou this giveaway -- Amy over at eggsonsunday. Her quinoa with lemon and asparagus, which I serve with grilled shrimp, is the real sign to me that spring is here!

Susan said...


Add susanfox to twitter :)

Susan said...


Deborah said...

After going through 3 blenders in the last few years, I think I could use this! Too bad I don't twitter or have facebook - maybe it's time to start!

Carolyn G said...

My favorite spring food is gazpacho.

Carolyn G said...

I follow on twitter: carogonza and tweeted:

Anonymous said...

I've been panting for one of these since discovering raw (vegan) food!!!

And my so-called professional blender has been dead for months now after a very short, amateur turn in my low-key kitchen. I need this!!!

Thank you. (BTW, I've retweeted to all my tweeps.)

Steph said...

This would have to be the best giveaway ever!! My favourite spring recipe would have to be strawberry cream cake, with lots and lots of cream!

c. simpkins said...

fresh peas and/or grilled asparagus!

Anonymous said...

Growing up on a farm spring definitely means asparagus, preferably with honey mustard.

And a Vitamix giveaway? Amazing!

mchosen1 said...

My favorite spring recipe is couscous with chopped bell peppers, green onions, tomatoes, lemon juice, and salt to taste.

I'd love a vita-mix blender for my preemie! He was born 3 months early and doesn't eat, so he has a feeding tube, and Vita-mix blenders are the only ones that puree foods smoothly enough to go into their tubes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity! I love making fruit salads in the Spring.


Amy said...

Strawberry short cakes......I love strawberries!

Nick said...

I love to make a simple braise of spring vegetables. Thick slices of leek, radishes, carrots, young greens, garlic (garlic scapes are even better, if you can find them), peas (shelled or pods), fava beans, or whatever vegetables are fresh, tossed in a pot with a little water, some salt and white wine, and gently simmered. Once everything is tender, I like to melt in a generous amount of butter; otherwise it would be a little too healthy.

Anonymous said...

Everythingz so special in spring. I for one would love to have BBQ chicken with fresh roasted veggies. Yumm-O!

Unknown said...

ooh ooh!!!!! so excited, i totally need one of these :) no blender up in my hizzouse. i'm intrigued by the macarons idea :)

e. said...

yesssss! wow! i have recently become obsessed with green smoothies and this would be amazing. i also would love to make my own almond butter and hummus! my favourite spring recipe is anything with seasonal produce

e. said...

oh and followed you on twitter (azulskies)

Amelia said...

Asparagus with pasta sounds like a good spring recipe! I would looove a Vita-Mix!

Anonymous said...

yes pleaseeee!

Amelia said...

Just posted a link on my blog!

Allison Jones said...

Come spring, I love making roasted asparagus, beet salad, and my new favorite: Stinging Nettle Soup. Here's the link to the recipe:

Allison Jones said...

I twittered this, too!

Anonymous said...

i linked back!!

i never said my favorite
spring recipe. really its
just anything with fresh
spring produce. yummmmm.

melinda said...

I watched the Vita-Mix in action at the Holistic World Expo last night in Toronto. I drool over this machine every time I see it at these expos.

My favourite spring recipe is guacamole! I open up an avacado, put a few T of salsa, chopped red onion, garlic, pepper, & a splash of habanero-garlic hot sauce! YUMM! I like to eat the guac with some home made chips outside in the sun :)

melinda said...

I also posted about this give away on my blog!!

melinda said...

.....posted on facebook as well! :)

melinda said...

and twitter. sheesh i love this machine.

Anonymous said...

I have blogged about the giveaway :D

Unknown said...

Wow Brilynn, how nice of you and the Vita-Mix people!!!!! I would love to have a new (high powered) blender because my old one just doesn't do very well with crushing ice. My favorite spring recipe isn't really a recipe it's just roasted asparagus. I can't get enough of it. I buy two or three bunches every week in the spring. I'm sure my husband is getting tired of it but he'll just have to deal! Thanks again for the chance at a Vita-Mix!

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a dorm-friendly cooking tool!

My favorite spring recipe must be a simple chopped salad with a persian touch - tomato, lettuce, one green onion, mint, feta cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of sirracha chili sauce. Yum.

The things I'd make with that blender . . . first an foremost a soup to warm this Boston spring and second a smoothie to warm my Californian heart.

Lo said...

my fav spring recipie is always a smoothie with berries, soy milk and white chocolate peanut butter :) doesnt get any better!

Lo said...

linking back :) i wanna win soo bad!

ceilithe said...

My favorite spring recipe is Persian dilled rice with lima beans (baghali polo), served with yogurt and a lovely tomato salad....mmmmm. Love your givaway idea -- how gracious of you to share :)

ceilithe said...

Mentioned your giveaway at my blog, I was inspired by Diet, Dessert and Dogs' recent giveaway to give away a cookbook, hopefully every month this year. One good turn inspires another :)

Unknown said...

oh no, i forgot to say my fav spring recipe i think... i'm thinking something with asparagus :) maybe risotto or pasta!

I linked back on my latest post!

Anonymous said...

cold pasta salad is one of my favorite spring pick me ups!

Anonymous said...

My favorite spring recipe would also be roasted asparagus. Little bit of olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper, fresh thyme.

Aimee said...

I love grilled mushrooms on our grill outside in the Spring / Summer!

scv said...

I could definitely use a Vitamix, the current blender I use is a bit old and not that powerful.

My favorite spring recipe is a nice vegetable pasta dish with penne, various spring vegetables like asparagus, and a light milk and Parmigiano sauce.

vanillasugarblog said...

Oh my gosh my blender just died like 3 days ago, how wild is that? Oh how I would love to win! Favorite spring treat? Hmmm hard to narrow that down, but definitely roasted cherry tomatoes with olive oil and a bit of balsamic vinegar and a crunchy topping.
what a wonderful giveaway!

Bridget said...

I want one of these SO badly!!!!!!!! I will add this to my next blog post!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing giveaway!! I'd love a vitamix!!

Anonymous said...

I just linked to you in my blog!

Kerstin said...

What an amazing giveaway! My favorite spring dish is pea risotto.

Anonymous said...

Wow VitaMix! I love to make light desserts in the spring, like berry crisps!

Brooke said...

I would love to win this! There are so many things I would make and in particular would be excited to make ice cream and frozen yogurt. Yum, yum, yum!

In the spring I love asparagus and fruits. The warm weather makes me crave fresh fruit salad dipped in vanilla yogurt with some granola on top for texture.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm twittering! I would looovvveeee a vita-mix!

Anonymous said...

We've been wanting a Vita-Mix so bad! Oh the endless possibilities! I also added you on Twitter. My favorite Spring recipe is fresh egg salad sandwiches with lots of veggies and mustard!

Meg said...

Oh my goodness! What an awesome giveaway! Who doesn't want a Vita-Mix?

My favorite spring recipe is lemon cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

Pick me!

I have linked you on my blog:

Sara said...

Whoa...I Googled "win a Vitamix" because I'm getting tired of doing CPR on my current blender (er, only figuratively speaking, of course) and your blog popped up. Thank you so much for doing this! I will be happy to post this on my Facebook page, too.

Favorite spring recipe: Grated Raw Beet Salad with Jicama, Avocado, and Orange
(from Vegetarian Times magazine)

2 c. grated raw beets (3 med.)
2 c. grated jicama
1 avocado, thinly sliced
1 navel orange, peeled, sectioned, w/sections cut in thirds
1/2 c. chopped cilantro
3 T. thawed orange juice concentrate
1 T. lime juice
1/2 t. ground cumin
1/2 t. ground coriander
1 1/2 T. olive oil
1/4 c. toasted pumpkin seeds

1. In medium bowl, place beets, jicama, avocado, orange, and cilantro.
2. Whisk together OJ concentrate, lime juice, cumin, coriander, and olive oil. Pour over beet mixture and toss to mix. Season with salt and pepper if desired. Sprinkle each serving with toasted pumpkin seeds.

(If you'd like to keep it totally raw, it tastes just as good without toasting the pumpkin seeds.)

Anonymous said...

aspargus baked in the oven w/ a crumb/cheese topping. hummmm.

i haven't had a blender for years and have been wanting to get one but not able to afford it. it would be a treat to win one.

Alpineberry Mary said...

I love making pistachio tea cakes. The Vita-Mix would come in handy for that.

Gwen said...

My favorite spring recipe would either have to be Greek salad (cucumber, red onion, tomato, feta, kalamata olives, red wine/olive oil/oregano vinaigrette, served with crusty bread for soaking up extra dressing) or, as soon as peppers hit the local market, quiche filled with those thin yellow-green wax peppers.

keri said...

I would LOVE a Vita-Mix! My blender is on its last legs, and this would be so much better.

I have left a link on my Twitter, and here is a link to my favorite spring/summer recipe, watermelon and canteloupe salad with mint and basil:

SugarPunk said...

I've left a link on my facebook, I've wanted one of these ever since watching "Will it Blend?" chew up an iPhone in one of these things.

My favorite spring recipe is a stirfry my husband makes, with green new vegetables (whatever's fresh in the market) and lemon and other stuff (I do sweet, he handles savory). It's light and green and amazing.

Anonymous said...

I want this SO BAD! Best giveaway ever! :)
My favorite spring time recipe could be morning smoothies if I had this baby ;)
Your sorbet and bbq sauce look pretty awesome too!

Mary said...

I must live under a rock because I've never heard of a vita mix before, but it looks really neat! I think my favorite spring thing is fiddleheads. I've never made them, but I really like eating them!

I'm facebooking about your giveaway right now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary! I SOOO want this-- what a great giveaway! I'm linked it on my facebook

Kelly said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I've been looking for the perfect way to grind dal for dal puri roti and this could be it! My favourite spring recipe - an asparagus tart with goat cheese.

Natalie said...

ah i want one of these so much!!!

my fave spring recipe is really anything with berries...yum :)
...or starburst jelly beans, do thsoe count? ;)

DWolvin said...

I so promise to not find out "will it blend", except for breakfast smoothies. And winter squash soup. And white bean 'hummus'. And... 8)

Side note- anyone have trouble seeing the security word in Firefox? I had to switch over to Chrome.

Creative Classroom Core said...

Wow! This machine sounds incredible! I am going to have to get me one of those!

My favorite spring recipe... hmmm...

That would be making sugar cookies with my four year old daughter. We use a circle cutter to make them into little circle cookies, bake them, and then decorate them with green icing. We then dunk them in coconut that we have dyed green to look like grass, and place a few mini eggs on the top. They make a perfect spring cookie to take along to playdates etc.

Ive been lurking for a while, and am really enjoying your blog :)

ikkinlala said...

My favourite spring recipe is the Spring Panzanella from I can't wait for some fresh asparagus!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog and this wonderful giveaway! I just love anything to do with asparagus in the spring. Although it's so simple, roasted asparagus is made here a lot! Dee (sheepish56(at)aol(dot)com

Anonymous said...

VITAMIX! I want to try one of those SO badly!

In the spring I love grilled vegetables and fresh fruit salads!

Michelle said...

AWESOME giveaway. My favorite thing to eat in the spring is fresh leafy greens, raw with oil and vinegar. I feel clean just thinking about it!

BTW I RT'd you on Twitter and will mention on my blog for sure!

Whitney said...

Wow...this is like a dream come true! I'm sure my odds aren't great but I thought I'd shoot for it anyway :) I can't think of a particular spring recipe, but to me Spring means warmer weather and eating outdoors...and for whatever reason this brings up memories of eating Mexican food outside with my family. My favorite of all such food would have to be homemade guacamole and grilled tortillas!!

Erin said...

I would love to win this! My favorite spring recipe (on the menu for tonight) is mini-frittatas made in a muffin tin. It's super easy to make and can easily accommodate some delicious springtime veggies. My combo for tonight: asparagus, mushrooms, and some extra sharp cheddar. Yum!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to have a Vita-Mix!! I am trying to find new recipes every day, and am realizing how many I am missing out on because I don't have a blender that handle it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Not quite sure if this offer is for bloggers only

if lurkers qualify, could you add me?


annalene said...

my favorite spring recipe is spring rolls! not the fried kind, the kind with all the fresh veggies in the soft rice paper. i love mine with homemade peanut sauce dip... so delicious and refreshing, a perfect light spring meal!

Keegan said...

My favorite spring recipe is a lemon cake with a light raspberry frosting. So tasty and always perfect around easter. Incredible giveaway. You're going to make one reader so incredibly happy!

Anonymous said...

VITAMIX! omg i've been wanting this baby so badly!!!

Anonymous said...

i've linked back on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oh my! How very generous of you! I would love to have a Vita-Mix after reading about how durable they are. My poor blender is on it's way out and makes that horrible "overheating appliance" smell every time I use it now. Currently my favourite spring recipe is rhubarb grunt (cobbler) ala Nigella because rhubarb is the first thing I can harvest from my garden.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I really want a vita mix. I am moving into a new apt next year, dorms now, but will be in dire need of a goood blender. I would say my favorite spring recipie is a simple smoothie. My favorite is mango banana :) YUMO

The Atheist Cartographer said...

My favourite spring recipe is definitely strawberry-rhubarb... well, anything. Cobblers, pies, sometimes I'll just eat the pie filling with a spoon. That said, with a Vita-Mix, I bet I can find some new favourites this spring!

jane said...

my favorite spring recipe is anything involving fresh berries- pancakes topped with blueberries, chocolate covered strawberries, the list goes on!

I linked back to this giveaway on my blog-

thanks for this great opportunity!

itsawrap said...

I have always wanted to try this out! My favorite spring recipe would be my Mediterranean salad.

Esi said...

I don't think I ever even heard of Vita-Mix until I started food blogging, but it sounds like a great tool. That ice cream you made with it sounds really yummy!

Mrs. LC said...

How can I choose just one favorite spring recipe?? Although lately I have been loving the smoothies!!

And oh what I would do for a Vita Mix! I have been lusting for one ever since I first heard of the amazing Vita Mix 5200.

Mrs. LC said...

Oh, and I'm linking back in a post mid-day tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

I linked back to your giveaway on this post:


Anonymous said...

My favorite spring recipe is a tomato sandwich--just tomatoes on my wife's homemade bread.


Sarah said...

Favorite Spring recipe: turkey/avocado/tomato melt sandwich.

I've wanted a Vitamix for SOO long!

Sarah said...

tweeted. :)

Anonymous said...

wow. it would be amazing to win a vita-mix! i can only imagine the possibilities!

ariel said...

I want a Vita-Mix so much! Right now I'm holding onto an old blender that sounds like it's about to break because I can't bear to live without my daily smoothies and blended grains.

My favorite Spring recipe is a gorgeous fruit salad with as many different colors of berries as I can find! I also love blending frozen berries and bananas for a delicious sorbet.

ariel said...

I linked to this post on facebook, too. :)

Professor Peregrine said...

Oh, how I covet the Vita-Mix!!!! My poor magic bullet is about to bite the dust (and really doesn't compare).

My favorite spring recipe is really boring - salad, with as many different fresh veggies as I can get my hands on! I ate one with a side a polenta fries for dinner an hour ago!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

woooooo....amazing giveaway!
fav. spring recipe: SALAD with fresh veggies, berries and shrimp! :D

Little Miss Sunshine said...

pick me pick me!! My FAV spring recipe is >>> cold mixed salad bar meals. DUHLICIOUS!

Aimee said... I posted this on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Not really a recipe but I love smoothies. Especially in the spring when more fruit is coming into season and it is warmer outside.

Joyful Homemaker said...

How awesome it would be to win that vitamix!!
Hmmm... fav springtime recipe...anything with fresh ASPARAGUS!!!


Ashley Gibson said...

Oh my gosh - I can't believe you are giving away a Vitamix!!

My favourite spring recipe is anything to do with fresh spring produce! Roasted asparagus is lovely or anything with fresh berries :)

Ashley Gibson said...

I just wrote a blog post about your giveaway!!

Thanks again :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh the things I would do with a Vita-Mix! What a great giveaway!

For spring, I'm looking forward to the variety of fresh produce coming back into season... no more root vegetables!

Missy said...

I want one of these so bad! I would use it for smoothies with banana, soy milk, strawberries, and blackberries!!

Simple and Divine said...

OMG! Amazing :)

Fave Spring Recipe = Warm Summer Salad!

curlytop said...

I MUST HAVE The VITAMIX... I've spent hours coveting this machine as I watched the Vitamix presentations at Costco.

Please save me from commiting one of the seven daily sins!

I posted about this amazing givaway on my blog:

And my favorite spring recipe is Chocolate covered Katie's Agar pudding base mixed with brown rice,cinamon, ginger, cloves, and cardamom for Chai Tea Rice Pudding. Give it a try.

With Love and crossed fingers,


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