Memes are all over the place and I can never quite decide if I like them or not. But I keep participating, so I guess I must. I think they’ve got a bit of a stigma attached to them because of their resemblance to chain letters. The difference is that memes don’t come with threats. If you don’t participate within the next 39 seconds, nothing bad will happen and the sky won’t fall, (well it might, but if it did, it has nothing to do with this meme). Anyways, after seeing this Interview Meme on a number of the blogs I read, I finally took the plunge and asked Sara of I Like to Cook to send me some questions.
1. What did you want to be when you were little?
The same thing that I want to be now: retired, with a large bank account.
2. What's the one thing in life you'll never understand?
Only one thing? People. They’re weird.
3. If you could have dinner with any 3 people, living or dead, real or fictional, who would they be and what would you eat?
This list could be a mile long, so here’s a random three:
--> Calvin and Hobbes, (I’m counting them as one) because I like to laugh.
--> The Genie from Aladdin, because the voice was Robin Williams, and he’s hilarious, plus he could grant wishes, this is like two in one.
-->The person who first decided “I’m going to squeeze the underside of a cow and drink whatever comes out.” Because they’re bound to be interesting and they’ll eat anything I serve them.
*Bonus person: Curtis Stone- he’s a tall Aussie chef, I don’t think I need to explain this one.

We would have a multi course meal with lots of little plates because I like everything. The following is simply a sampling as I would have to sit down and plan this out for days on end to come up with a complete menu: blini with
-smoked salmon, crème fraiche and caviar
-puff pastry with chorizo sausage and cheese
-my aunt Genny’s shrimp dip
-fresh made pasta, made a ravioli of sorts
-bbq’d ribs
-lemon chicken
-a spring inspired risotto
-bacon wrapped with bacon, sprinkled with bacon
-a chocolate tasting platter
-ice cream… lots of it
-fresh and perfectly ripe mango and pineapple
I’d better end this list right now, because it could go on for days, as would this meal.
4. Share with us a dirty little food secret about yourself.
I set the kitchen on fire while trying to boil water. Seriously. I turned on the burner and then left the kitchen because you know what they say, a watched pot never boils. So I didn’t watch it. Sometime later the smoke alarm was blaring and thick clouds of black smoke were billowing out of the kitchen. I had turned on the wrong burner and there was an empty glass coffee pot with a plastic filter sitting on it... To add insult to injury, we had just painted the kitchen the week before and it all had to be redone.
5. If you could only cook from one cookbook in your collection for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
Did you really need to ask? I’m so smitten with Dorie that obviously it would have to be Baking From My Home to Yours. There’s not a bad recipe in the bunch and my sweet tooth would always be satisfied. In the past week I’ve made the Lots-of-Ways Banana cake and the Mocha Walnut Marbled Bundt cake. I wish I had taken pictures of the second one but was I running late so I simply sliced it and took it to work. I thought I’d have some leftovers and that I could take a picture later but that was foolish of me. There’s never leftovers when it’s a Dorie recipe. I highly recommend the bundt cake, it’s easy to make, it looks pretty with the light and dark batter swirled together and the taste is phenomenal, I’m going to make the people at work love Dorie as much as I do. Tonight I made the Cocoa-Nana Bread, which is what you see here.
Directions for the Interview Meme
1. Leave a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. Beware, I'm not shy of asking personal questions! Please make sure I have your email address.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Technorati Tags:
Meme + Chocolate + Bananas + Dorie Greenspan