February 08, 2007

You Look Familiar...

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What I may once have called stealing, I will now rename “Sharing the love.” I’m constantly seeing recipes from other blogs that I want to recreate. In some cases, I only wish I could make something that looks that good. Other times, I actually do recreate what I see, or at least I try to. Sometimes I get distracted and make so many substitutions that it no longer resembles the original. My apologies to the cook. A couple nights ago I had pulled chicken out of the freezer and had yet to decide what to make with it. I was looking through recipes at Group Recipes when I saw a picture for Cumin and Coriander chicken. But wait, I had seen this before… Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a recipe from Stefanie of none other than the Cumin and Coriander blog.

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I remember thinking to myself that I should make that chicken sometime but I didn’t copy down the recipe and since I have a memory the size of a peanut, I forgot all about it. Until now. And unlike most recipes that I try recreating, I actually had all the right ingredients. And then I took those ingredients and I actually followed the recipe. I really should try doing that more often, because it was great! The only difference in mine was that I sprinkled basil on top instead of coriander leaves. I think it’s fair enough to say I didn’t change anything. Stuff that’s sprinkled on top qualifies as garnish and garnish is interchangeable. It’s a well known fact. Stefanie suggested serving the chicken with roti, naan, or any other Indian flatbread. I served it with jasmine rice and veggies. I’m deeming that a valid substitution as well and it therefore I still remained within the boundaries of the given recipe. I deserve a gold star for attention to detail on this one. Well done Brilynn, well done.

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wheresmymind said...

*from back of theater* FOCUS! That looks too good! :D

Toni said...

Kudos! I'm congenitally incapable of following a recipe - except when I bake. I know that it always comes out great when you do, but as long as it tastes great, I don't care. This dish looks awesome! Thanks for "sharing the love"!

Anh said...

Well done Brylinn! The chicken looks really good!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

This looks super good to me.
I wish I could bake everything that I find on my favorite blogs.

Christine said...

I'm all for "sharing the love"! And that does look mouthwatering...

FH said...

Great recipe! Looks wonderful and very familiar indeed!:))

Anonymous said...

Having someone "steal" one of your recipes is a compliment, isn't it? I would think so, anyway. Especially if it results in pictures like these... very nice!

K and S said...

I'm giving you a gold star for "sharing the love"! This looks great!

Anonymous said...

I think "sharing the love" is a great name!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Thanks, I'll be checking out some new sites now! If you like them that much, then they must be good!

Anonymous said...

Oooo! It looks really good!
Not many people are like you, giving credit to the originator when you recreate. Kudos to you!

S. said...

Well done indeed! :) It looks great, makes me want to grab a fork and dig into that rice!

David said...

that looks great!