I’ve been reading food blogs for about a year and a half now and over that time I have come across tons of recipes that I’ve made mental notes to try but never do.
Occasionally though, I will go back and search through archives in order to find a recipe I had seen and thought I should make.
Usually this happens when someone else mentions a particular dish and a light bulb goes off in my head, reminding me that I had seen a recipe for that dish that I wanted to make.
The only problem is that I forget that the people around me have not read the blogs that I have and I blurt out something like, “Oh yeah,
Tartelette or
What’s for Lunch Honey? just recently made that, I really want to give it a try.”
When I’m met with blank or confused stares I mumble something about blogging and run away.

This was the case last week when my friend Jls was visiting and mentioned that she’d like to have tiramisu on New Years.
Immediately I knew where to go for the recipe as I had seen the same one pop up twice, first on
La Mia Cucina and then on
Cream Puffs in Venice and when those two bloggers back a recipe, it’s guaranteed to be good.
This particular recipe is special because it’s Ivonne’s family’s tiramisu recipe.
She says it’s completely adaptable but the only changes I made were to use Bailey’s as the liquor and to make my own lady fingers, (instead of using store bought).
I had never made lady fingers or tiramisu before so I figured I should kill two birds with one stone and forgo the store bought cakes for homemade, (I used
this recipe from Joy of Baking).
However, that recipe did not make quite enough ladyfingers for my purposes and I didn't really feel like making a second batch so I had to get a little creative. I looked in the freezer and found half a dozen chocolate madeleines that were looking to be eaten so I cut each one in half, soaked them like I did the lady fingers and layered them in the middle of my tiramisu.
I think it turned out pretty well because after finishing off her first piece Jls asked if she could have some more. I told her it was in the fridge and she should help herself to as much as she wanted. While getting the tiramisu out of the fridge, she noticed some leftover Swedish meatballs, (another blogger recipe! This one from Anne’s Food) from the night before and grabbed a few of those too. Upon seeing Jls sitting on the coach with a meatball in one hand and tiramisu in the other it made me think of the Friends episode where Rachel decides to make an English Trifle for Thanksgiving dessert but she manages to make a combination English Trifle and Shepard's Pie as the recipe pages were stuck together. The rest of the group realizes her mistake and is horrified at the thought of having to eat her dessert comprised of meat, potatoes, jam and custard, so as not to hurt her feelings. Joey is the first one to try it and to everyone’s surprise, he likes it. When they question him on this, Joey’s response is, “What’s not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood.” Or in Jls’ case it would be, “What’s not to like? Mascarpone? Good. Espresso? Good. Meatballs? Gooooood.
If you’d like to try your hand at tiramisu check out Ivonne’s blog for her family’s recipe.
If you’re so inclined to try the tiramisu with a side of Swedish meatballs, check out Anne’s blog for the recipe.
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Tiramisu + Meatballs
In my book dessert should come first and then the meat should be optional. I like your story and I'll bet your friend was thrilled to be fed by such a talented kitchen diva.
Maybe I could eat a bite of one and then a bite of the other but I don't know about combining them!
I'm kind of boring I guess.
I've seen that episode! Hilarious. Didn't she put peas in there, too? Can't remember.
Would you believe I've never made tiramisu? I keep meaning to.
I remember that episode! Joey's response was the best! I'm glad you liked the tiramisu. Nice touch with the Baileys!
Nicole over on Baking Bites also featured a Tiramisu recipe recently. btw--I'm always enjoy reading your blog---thanks for sharing your expertise!
Oh I have to jumo over to Ivonne's blog now because mom requested for tiramisu. Thanks for the link!
I read your title and though, "She put bacon in her dessert? Wow, that took her awhile." :-)
The tiramisu looks good. I have been meaning to try making a tiramisu for a while now.
I am waiting to make it for my friend when she comes to visit. She is a serious tiramisu lover. And since I am sold on Ivonne's lasagna I can't wait to try this.
And then I love at the end of the episode where they are all admiting where they hid thier trifle at and Joey was like, "no, ate that."
Coincidentally, I also made tiramisu lately and I must say, your tiramisu looks so yummy! I bet the addition of chocolate madeleine makes it even yummier!
Hahaha! I never saw that episode...hilarious! Love Joey's response :)
The tiramisu sounds delish...and I love Swedish meatballs...will check out both! :)
Absolutely beautiful! I'll have to try this soon. Thank you for the recipe!
I remember that episode. That was awesome. I love a gal that eat meatballs with one hand and tiramisu with the other. You did a fantastic job making it.
When I saw the title of your post, I immediately went to that episode!!
Ha! I actually remember that episode of Friends! Mmmm. Meats and sweets, together at last.
I have to say that my husband is doing a pretty good job at learning all my "blogger peeps" but I still get a blind stare once in a while and sometimes trying to explain is just pointless and I just say "eat"!!
Both the Tiramisu and meatballs sound delicious!
Mmmmm, tiramisu!! I adore tiramisu....
I have a whole folder full of bookmarked recipes to try. Thank ou for the reminder!
P.S. Next time you might want to make your own "Bailey's" too.
Using the chocolate madeleines was super-resourceful! And they made for a really pretty tiramisu. I remember that friends episode...hehe.
Dear Brilynn
I found your blog by accident but i must say, i stopped by with interest and much liked the content. I will keep coming here.
Greetings to you from Botswana.
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