January 28, 2008

All Challenges Should Involve A Torch

Jen, The Canadian Baker chose Lemon Meringue Pie as this month’s Daring Baker Challenge. I’ve been getting quite a few requests for lemon meringue pie lately so it seemed only fitting that I make mini pies so that I could dole them out to everyone who had asked for some. For late comers though, there was nothing. I had two people ask me a week later for lemon meringue pie, completely unaware that I had just made some. I told them to blame Kmac for stealing them all and to pick something else, I don’t like repeats.

Kmac, (previously of Happy Random Pie Day fame) got most of the pies, but that’s only fair as she helped make them. And by ‘help make them’, I mean she came over and brought butter, eggs, lemons and sour keys, (hey, we needed some snacks) and then sat on the couch and read a trashy gossip magazine, while I made the pies. She provided valuable entertainment and as far as I’m concerned, that’s the best kind of help. And the groceries. If anyone buys me groceries I’ll make whatever they want, repeat or no. So Kmac bought the groceries and I made the pie and we were both happy with that until the end of the pie making process when Kmac’s interest perked up. You see, that’s when I brought out my pretty blue torch and then she wanted to play in the kitchen too. Luckily, I had extra meringue so I let Kmac torch the meringue that was not going to leave my house and be seen by the world at large. It’s a good thing I had leftovers because unlike myself who was trying to make pretty designs on the meringue, Kmac’s goal seemed to be to create black lumps of coal. She had lots of fun doing it too.

When I was done making the pies, I gave them to Kmac in a plastic dome topped tray and sent her off into a cold and wintry night. I told her to message me when she got home to make sure that the tarts survived the trip. The message that I got was priceless:

“The pies made it fine, however... the pie top flew off around Bloor St and Bathurst St, damn wind tunnel. So I put the pies on the sidewalk and ran after the lid. I retrieved it and no one ate the pies :)”

I love that she just set a tray of lemon meringue pies down on the slushy sidewalk and ran off to fetch the flyaway lid. I almost wish someone had stolen her pies, just because it would have made for a better story. I guess this way I got to hear about what everyone thought of their pie. I’ve become convinced though that most people are simply happy to receive something homemade so it doesn’t really matter if it’s all that great. I’m much more critical. The pies were well received by all who had them but I had some reservations about the filling. It was tasty, but if the pie sat for any length of time, a layer of water developed on top of the lemon. I suppose if you ate them immediately after assembling, that wouldn’t be a problem. I ate my pie in stages though and every time I went back to have some more there was another layer of watery stuff on top of the lemon. I’ve heard that I’m not the only person who had this problem and that extra cornstarch might be a possible solution. I probably won’t ever know, cause like I said, I don’t like repeats.

Hopefully you don’t mind seeing repeats as much as I mind making them because there’s going to be a whole lot of Lemon Meringue Pie out there. If you want to know exactly where to find it, check the Daring Bakers Blogroll.

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Anonymous said...

Great job on this month's challenge, Brilynn!

And I agree. Fire (on purpose) in the kitchen makes baking much funner :)

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

A funny story Brilynn. My filling weeped as well..of course it wouldn't have happened if I had eaten it all the same day it was baked..but c'est la vie!!

Manggy said...

Those look so cute, Brilynn!

Actually I was concerned when I saw the amount of water that went into the filling (not that I'm a DB, but the DB recipes have been popping up lately). I've only made lemon curd and lemon cream, and they set beautifully, but there wasn't a drop of water in, save for the lemon juice.

Megan said...

Nice story even without stolen pies. They are lovely!

Elle said...

What was your friend thinking chasing a lid when she had those lovely pies? As usual your treats are stunningly beautiful!

Gretchen Noelle said...

Ooohhh...a torch sure would have been fun to play with! I con understand the whole being more critical on yourself than others are on you. I gave a LMP away and basically apologized for it before they ate it...just in case they didn't like it.

K and S said...

looks great and what a fun story!

Helene said...

Oh yeah! The torch was fun with these! They turned out beautiful!

Anita said...

I love the lemon meringue in the glass - it looks like the best ice cream sudae ever!

steph- whisk/spoon said...

these look great. Kmac's a lucky duck.

Peabody said...

Yeah, I am not big on repeats either. Luckily you had someone to make your time go by.

Karen Baking Soda said...

Love the glass presentation, so elegant and yummy looking. Would have love to see the chasing a lid and abandoned pies... hehe

Anonymous said...

You're so clever--and talented. They look marvelous!

Dharm said...

I want a torch too!! I love how you plated the dessert in a glass - very nice! Great job on the challenge.

Pixie said...

Great story, and wonderful LMP!

Unknown said...

you are funny! :)

Annemarie said...

I would have also liked it if your friend had returned to find a crowd gathered around the mini pies, worshiping and pointing at them in wonder like a little diety in the snow.

Chibog in Chief said...

gorgeous LMP Brilynn!!! and what a funny story!! i must admit this was quite a challenge for all of us..

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

I've always wanted to have a little blowtorch, even though I don't bake and I don't even make my husband's favorite creme brulee. Maybe I need to find a friend who will bring me groceries, and I can let him/her play in the kitchen with the torch -- now that would be a good excuse to buy one!

Anonymous said...

I love the story!
If I was strolling past I would have made off with a pie and a cheeky smile on my face! haha

They look beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious story! And your pies look adorable!

Madam Chow said...

What?! No picture of the torch? I think I have torch envy! I used my oven. Really, your pies look lovely, and everyone should have a sous chef like Kmac!

Sheltie Girl said...

Brilynn - Nice job on the lemon meringue tarts...I love your presentation in the glass too. It's very striking.

Natalie @ Gluten A Go go

Meeta K. Wolff said...

Oh baby! Trust you to serve the challenge in a glass. i was not too hot on the crust so that glass with the curd sure looks good to me. Nice going!

Anonymous said...

I love your mini pies Brilynn, and I´m with you, there´s no way I would have left those behind to chase a lid!
But I´m not repeating this one either because of the meringue-watery situation, not that it wasn´t yummy, syrup and all.

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Great job on this months challenge!

Deborah said...

I wish I had a torch for this challenge - but it was just the oven for me :( Your pies are beautiful, and I especially love the presentation in the glass!

Veron said...

It would have made a better story if someone stole the pies from the side walk. You did a great job!

Jerry said...

Very lovely tarts!

Maria said...

Great post! Your pies look great!

Big Boys Oven said...

it is love at first sight for me with your gorgeous pies!

Susan @ SGCC said...

Very cute! The meringue looks really pretty. I think everybody had a little "weepage" going on. I can't wait to see what's next!

Gabi said...

Wow- I would have said "Let the lid fly- I'm holding on to the pies!' Brave girl.

I love the meringue work on your tarts!

Anonymous said...

Looks very good! I need a blow torch too! And I need to practice making meringue...

Suzana Parreira said...

Brilynn, those look lovely! Great job with the challenge!

Warda said...

Love the swirly decor! I wish I was there when she run after the lid to steal them ;0

Tablebread said...

wonderful presentation in the glass! Sorry to hear about the weeping...

Jenny said...

I agree, we need a torch for every challenge, which is what I will tell my husband when I run out and buy one!
And I agree on the groceries part - bring me the groceries and I will make your dessert.
Your pies look great, I pity the people who missed out on them.

Cookie baker Lynn said...

I wish I had a baking buddy who brought me groceries! Glad you had so much fun with this one. Your tarts look lovely.

LP said...

I also believe that great company is the best help you can get in the kitchen. So, great job to both of you. They look quite pretty.

The Baker & The Curry Maker said...

Sounds like a reall fun time. And your pies look great!

~Amber~ said...

Your pies look amazing! I love the way your meringue looks.

What a funny story, I can just picture it in my head.


Laura Rebecca said...

Ooh, I love your swirly top LMPs! Very fun (and tasty). :)

Unknown said...

Such a cute little "pudding." Love your swirls!

test it comm said...

Nice looking Lemon Meringue Tarts. The lemon meringue glass looks good as well.

creampuff said...

This is so funny! I guess Toronto the Good still is Toronto the Good since no one ate your pies. I think they're adorable and I love how you swirled the meringue!

monica said...

such pretty pies! and what a funny story.

Annie said...

If I lived nearby, I would be bringing groceries over all the time. What a trade-off!

glamah16 said...

I like that lemon curd in the glass. I need to invest in one of those torches.

desie said...

sounds like you had fun making this one. the little pies look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I can always rely on you to put a smile on my face...along with dishing out amazing looking sweets :)

I got the watery stuff too...

Gotta get me a torch...

Anonymous said...

Well, what can I say ? Oh yes, I know, something very creative : Wow !! ;-))
Oh, and I have to buy a torch !

Inne said...

What a funny story, Brilynn! And the pies look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! :)

eatme_delicious said...

Your tarts look great! And I love the message your friend sent you.

Jay said...

ooh those look tasty!!

send some my way
; )

Lis said...

Yay! I'm glad no one stole her pies. (although I agree it would have made for a better story hee!) I "bottomless" one you made in the glass.. very pretty!


David T. Macknet said...

Awesome story! Glad that they (mostly) worked out!

Shandy said...

Brilynn, your Lemon Meringue tarts are so cute and so is the picture of the glass of lemon curd with a torched bonnet. . .adorable! Your friend is too funny and so is the story. Another great challenge =D
shandy@Pastry Heaven

Katy said...

those look just awesome!

Renee said...

Your piping is really sweet. Kmac was lucky the meringue parts didn't blow away! Congratulations on another challenge.

KayKat said...

Wow, those are the coolest swirls ever!


Chris said...

I must get a torch! I had a mungo one but was too scared to use it. I just knew I would blow up something.

Lovin' the curd in the glass!

jasmine said...

Really like your parfait version.

And I agree, someone who can entertain me while I'm in the kitchen is very good help.


Andrea said...

Oh, that is a funny story about the lid! hee hee hee

Your pies do look great! And I agree, a torch does make for more fun in the kitchen (as long as my boys don't find it)...

Princess of the kitchen said...

ohh Pretty!!!! well done!!

cookworm said...

I like how your swirls came out...but I like the story even better. You have funny friends. :)

Miss Ifi said...

I love your story!!! and I love your pies they are just soooo cute! Congratulations on making them perfect. I WANT A TORCH TOO, or at least be able to play with one.. /sigh
still.. good job!

Dolores said...

The way you and Kmac approached this one sounds like a *capital* way to spend a dreary winter day. Great job. Great story.

Kelly-Jane said...

Your pies are beautiful, love the spirals!

Jen Yu said...

Nicely done! The tarts are so lovely. I especially like your glass of yum at the end!!

Mer said...

I loved the story about the pie tin sitting momentarily abandoned in the slush. Too funny.