July 26, 2007

Starbucks Has Got Nothing On Me

If you’re one of those people who walks into Starbucks and orders a Grande 5-Pump Raspberry Green Tea Frappuccino then this ice cream is for YOU. I guarantee that not only will you like it, but you’ll like it better than Starbucks and will be forever indebted to me for introducing you to it. What’s even better is that if I’m making it, it won’t cost you $5 each time you want some… or will it? Maybe I should set up an ice cream stand outside of Starbucks, then I can swipe their business with this Matcha White Chocolate Raspberry ice cream. I might need to think of a new, cooler name for it though, something like Super Matcha Jumbo Raspberry White Chocolate Ice Cream Supreme. The more ridiculous the better. Or what about Mucho Matcha Razzmatazz Ivory Chocolaté Crema Glacé? Yes, I like it, mixing languages makes it infinitely better. An ice cream this smooth and creamy deserves a name as outrageous as that. It’s a world of delicious.

YumSugar is currently hosting an Ice Cream Challenge and has asked everyone to send in their favourite ice cream recipes. This one is currently ranked pretty high on my list of favourites and I make a whole lot of ice cream, so that’s a special honour. Try it for yourself, although I cannot be blamed for the Starbucks-like line up that will wind its way to your freezer door when word gets out you’ve made something so delicious.

Super Matcha Jumbo Raspberry White Chocolate Ice Cream Supreme (adapted from Steamy Kitchen who adapted it from Kuidaore, spread the love)

1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 ½ cups milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon fine salt
4 large egg yolks
8 oz white chocolate, finely chopped
2 tablespoons matcha powder, sifted
1 ½ cups raspberries

1. In a medium heavy saucepan, bring the cream, milk, sugar and salt to a simmer over low heat, stirring constantly.

2. While whisking eggs, pour about 1/2 cup of the hot cream mixture in a thin, steady stream in the bowl of eggs. This should temper the eggs. Now pour the tempered eggs in the rest of the saucepan with the hot cream mixture, in a thin, steady stream while whisking the hot cream.

3. Cook over low heat, constantly stirring, just until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon, about 5 minutes. Do not let this mixture boil. Pour this mixture through a strainer.

4. Place the chocolate over a double boiler, stirring occasionally until chocolate is melted. Add the matcha powder to the chocolate and stir vigorously to mix well. Add this to the strained hot cream and stir to blend. Cool this mixture and refrigerate until chilled.

5. Freeze according to the instructions for your ice cream machine.

6. When the ice cream is almost completely finished, add in the raspberries.

****Note: Everytime I post about ice cream, someone asks me what kind of ice cream maker I have and like a jerk I probably didn't answer them, so please accept my apologies and this is my ice cream maker: Cusinart 2 Quart Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt and Sorbet Maker

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Rachel said...

Yummy! I love, love, love green tea ice cream!

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen said...

Great recipes, great pics!
And thank you for visiting my art blog!

K and S said...

mmm, ice cream! this looks great!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mucho Matcha Razzmatazz Ivory Chocolaté Crema Glacé is quite fitting, I think. Wish I had and ice cream amker so I could make this, too--it looks great!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sounding ice cream. I think the name sounds like a $8 name, not just a $5 name.

Deborah Dowd said...

Your ice cream looks rich, delicious and creamy, but I have to show my ignorance- what is matcha?

Hilda said...

Woohoo! I'm very pleased that you posted about another ice cream flavor I love (when I lived in California, I used to buy green tea mochi ice cream all the time. Btw, I love how you mix Starbucks and Jamba Juice sounding names, works well...
and Deborah - matcha is a variety of Japanese green tea.

Meeta K. Wolff said...

Lovely ice cram flavor and the contrasts of the green and red look great. Nice one!

Patricia Scarpin said...

I've read and heard so much about green tea that I'm ashamed to say I have never tried it... :S

This ice cream would be THE perfect way to start, Bri!

Annie said...

I love green tea. I have never had green tea ice cream though. It looks really good.

Bruno said...


Outrageous names for what sounds like outrageously good ice cream!


P.S. - I no longer post on Zinfully Delicious. My new blog is brunosdream.com

Anita said...

I think I could eat that entire bowl...so yummy!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Just love all the tea concoctions. I wonder if I could come up with a Chai tea flavoured ice cream???

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I like my latte tall and skinney... actually I just like to say that while standing in line at Starbucks.
I'd gobble the ice cream up~ skinney or not.

Kelly-Jane said...

I don't know if we get this here or not,hmmm. The ice cream looks so good, a really fabulous colour. I recently bought a bag of matcha, and I was really prompted to do it by the colour of the goods it's used in!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Does this ice cream come in a Venti sized cup? Oh, yum!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I would take your treats over Starbucks any day.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Colors

You're making me want to go out and buy an ice cream maker.

test it comm said...

I thought the matcha and white chocolate on Steamy Kitchen sounded like the ultimate ice cream! But, add some fresh local raspberries and it sounds even better. With all of the amazing ice cream recipes floating around I am going to have to head out and look for and ice cream making machine today.

Inne said...

Isn't this just the most amazing ice cream EVER?!?!?! I made it a while ago (without the raspberries) and I still cannot get over how utterly out-of-this-world fabulous it is.

Ferdzy said...

Oh wow, that looks outrageously good.

eatme_delicious said...

oh my god that looks and sounds SO good. seeing and reading about that ice cream makes me want to go out and buy an ice cream maker. at first i thought it was just going to be matcha and raspberry but then i saw you added white chocolate and i could not have been more sold. i wonder if anyone i know has an ice cream maker...

Cheryl said...

That is beyond delicious looking. You are a genius.

Dr.Gray said...

Something like this would probably work great with this recipe - green tea ice cream.