For the Tall and Creamy Cheesecake, Dorie gives a basic recipe, provides numerous alterations and encourages you to make up your own. I took her suggestion for marbled cheesecake one step further by adding white chocolate and peppermint extract to half of the batter. I’d like to say this was my idea, but really I just stole it from page 230, (of Baking: From My Home to Yours, where else?) where it’s Dorie’s favourite switch up for her Basic Marbled Loaf cake. And did I mention this is one of the most luxuriously smooth cheesecakes I’ve ever tasted? It was dangerous for me to have in the house. I couldn’t even freeze it to keep myself from devouring it because I liked it frozen too!
The Word Peace cookies are nothing new to me, (hopefully not to you either, they’ve certainly made the rounds) I’ve even gone so far as to make World Peace cookie ice cream and they’re always good. I made this batch to bring into work with me for two reasons: 1- If they’re believed to be good enough to instill world peace then I figured they should certainly work for smaller scale goodwill projects too. My thoughts were that if I brought them into work the bosses might tell me I don’t actually have to do anything other than bake for them. Or maybe my co-workers will take over my work so that I can become the team baker. So far that hasn’t happened. Sigh. 2- One of the people at work can’t eat eggs so he previously hadn’t been able to sample any of my baked goodies. The World Peace cookies don’t have eggs so they were perfect for him and he appreciated the effort.
And then we have the Chocolate Chunkers. Oh my. Dorie describes them as fabulous, and she does mean truly fabulous. There are NINETEEN ounces of chocolate in these cookies and you’d better darn well include every last one of them! The only change I made was to add a couple tablespoons of mocha powder and substituted craisins for raisins. The cookies seriously give the world peace cookies a run for their money and are perfect with a glass of ice cold milk. They’re also perfect for breakfast. I’m not gonna lie, I started today with two of them…
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Cookies + Cheesecake + Chocolate + Baking + Dorie Greenspan
Brilynn,you are such a sweet colleague! make me envy those who work with you! :)
Your blog is not good for me to read at breakfast time! Now I want cheesecake instead of oatmeal.
Ok, so I admit it. I have two logs of WPC dough in my freezer. I'm addicted to them. I love the dough, I love the cookie, I love making the cookie. I even adapted the cookie recipe and made an almond version of them. And now you tell me there is a Dorie cookie to give World Peace a run for their chocolate??!! Well, let's see here, I just added this to my week of baking schedule.
Ooohhh, Dorie - my best friend in the kitchen!! I have seen the World Peace Cookies make the rounds - why haven't I made them yet???!!!??
so funny because last night i made the world peace cookies too (and wrote about them on my blog)...but i wasn't crazy about them. i don't know who dorie is but oh my, those photos and that cheesecake looks incredible!
World Peace Cookies have become a favorite in our house, too. Love the idea of making the dough and freezing it -- but that would mean not eating the entire batch at once. Hmmmm....
OOOOOH that all looks so good! lucky lucky :):) i've heard so much about these world peace cookies i get the feeling i'm being sent a message!
Yes, what is not to love about Dorie? It all looks wonderful.
wow! all of these look great!
Incredible . . . yes now I'm thinking cheese cake would be just the thing for breakfast.
They all look amazing! But who is Dorie?
That cheesecake looks to die for!
I've not decided what to make for supper tonight yet (and time is fast running out) but I do want desset. All looks yummy, I'll have to look at that cheesecake I can't recall that one, and choc - mint is a favourite!
I made the world peace cookies this weekend (after seeing your post), they are SO good! Thanks for inspiring me to make them!
Cheesecake...! and it's breakfast!!
I love the WP cookies, they never last!
A triple does of insanely good desserts. Oh to be a guest at your house. YUM
Oh, Bri, now I want to make them again! :)
Your photos are mean, I wish I could take a bite!
Dorie did it again! Thanks for the three Dorie recipes, all of them look amazing!
Wow...if I liked chocolate, I would be drooling over my computer right now. I still don't have a copy of Dorie's book, but I'm definitely going to have to get one soon. My husband would love it if I 'practiced' a few recipes for him. :)
BTW, I'm still using the wooden salt cellar you made for me for BBM! I love it!
I know I need to get Dorie's book now....there are just way too many things you've made that look so delish.
Question - how do you manage to eat all the wonderful things you make? I always seem to want one of everything I see on your foodblog!!
WOW, chocolate is just one of those things that when it's done right it's on of the best things in the world :)
I've only just started reading your blog and I'm already hooked! You are an amazing baker and I'd love to link to you from my blog . Would that be okay with you?
I don't know how to make all of this and stay alive. Seriously! I would love to make all of the things on your blog, but I just couldn't have them around.
I try taking things to work, but after awhile, people get tired of be bringing goodies. (I don't know how).
I have honestly never heard of peace cookies. Where have I been.
i keep reading about dorie's book and you make it really difficult for me to resist buying it! i have never even heard of WPC, but they sound like a great idea to me. not sure what to make first, though!
Brilynn, reading your articles about Dori Greenspan's recipes, looking at those photos and reading about your encounter and lunch with her convinced me to buy her book. Should be here next week. I try not to make too many desserts at home, and Im always fiddling with them to make them healthier, but I promise not to do that the first time around with Dorie's, even if that means it takes me a long time to work through the book as I balance it out with gym time;).
I cant wait for it to get here so I can try out a recipe!
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