What do you like more… Rhubarb or chocolate? Chocolate.
What do you like more… Rhubarb or lobster? Lobster.
Ok, so maybe those ones were obvious, but if we keep playing, you’ll notice the rhubarb hating continues.
What do you like more… Rhubarb or three day old stale pizza? Pizza.
What do you like more… Rhubarb or doing the dishes? Dishes.
What do you like more… Rhubarb or chopping herbs and shucking oysters? Finally, a victory for rhubarb!
It’s not that I actually hate rhubarb but given the option of eating rhubarb or something else, nine times out of ten I’ll choose the something else. Despite this, rhubarb intrigues me. Possibly in part because it brings back fond memories of plucking a sun warmed stalk of rhubarb from the garden and proceeding to eat it by dipping the end in a cup of sugar between bites. These days I want to pair it with more savoury dishes, perhaps in a tangy bbq sauce or a chutney? Even though I’m harbouring thoughts of savoury rhubarb, I’ve been making nothing but sweet things in the form of Strawberry Rhubarb Ripple ice cream and Strawberry Rhubarb Mousse. If you asked me what do you like more… Strawberries or rhubarb? Strawberries would clearly win.
Unfortunately there aren’t recipes to accompany these dishes. The ice cream was made as an afterthought. I had made strawberry rhubarb jam and decided that I wanted to swirl it into a vanilla ice cream base. So I did. And it was good. It was extra good when eaten out of Cinnamon Tuiles, which I will provide a recipe for. Those were sort of an accident too. I had to make tuiles for a dessert at work and I’d never made them before so I did a trial run at home first. It just so happened that it paired great with my ice cream. The Strawberry Rhubarb Mousse was adapted from a recipe for cherry mousse that I found in Food & Drink magazine, which I’ve touted before as a great free publication put out by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. I made that one for Mother’s Day as Mom requested ‘something with rhubarb’ and I grudgingly complied.
Cinnamon Tuiles, (Adapted slightly from Gourmet, November 1998)
1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
3 tablespoons light corn syrup
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Preheat oven to 375°F.
In a saucepan melt butter with brown sugar and corn syrup over moderate heat, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Remove pan from heat and stir in flour, cinnamon and a pinch of salt until smooth.
Drop batter by the tablespoon full onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Leave a lot of space in between as these cookies spread immensely. Bake cookies in middle of oven 6 minutes, or until golden.
Once you remove the tray from the oven, let the tuiles rest for about a minute before you try to remove them. If you try to pick them up too soon, they’ll fall apart. As soon as you’re able to gently lift a tuile off the parchment without tearing it, they’re ready to mold. You can mold them any way you like, I’ve pressed them into muffin tins as well as draped them over coffee cups and small bowls, it all depends what shape you want. Cool cookie completely and then transfer to an airtight container. Tuiles keep 5 days in an airtight container at cool room temperature.
I am loving all things rhubarb! Love this post!!
Ooh, I've been wanting to make a strawberry rhubarb ice cream! That might be my next flavor after the coconut banana experiment I'm about to embark on today.
What a tease :) That strawberry dish looks unreal!
i would have to go with the oysters & herbs in the "which do you like better game"...theres just something about popping open an oyster and i love the smell of fresh herbs...although i must admit i have a pretty weak spot for a good few slices of strawberry rhubarb pie...mmm
It looks so yummy! And I am a rhubarb fan, though it does need a lot to sweeten it up!
"Tis the season for rhubarb:D
Great post. And while lobster wins over rhubarb..it is one of my very favorite Spring tastes. Thanks for sharing.
A friend brought me a few stalks of rhubarb from her garden. Now I'm inspired!
What I wouldn't do for a scoop of that ice cream right now!
Love the post...rhubarb sounds delicious.
I am so glad you trumped an annoying vector of deadly diseases! Ha ha ha :) I think you may appeal that dragonfly one though!
Anyway, I dunno what rhubarb tastes like, but the ice cream and mousse look good, and I do love tart flavors :)
LOL- rhubarb didn't fair so well in a lot of those match ups. ;)
But you made it into something yummy looking!
Th mouse looks really good. I am always looking forward to the rhubarb in the Spring.
You may not be a fan but you sure make it look pretty. Loving the tuiles!
That mousse is beautiful. Your mom must have been so pleased to be treated so royally for Mother's Day. I'd definitely have eaten the strawberry first.
hahahah I would have chosen rhubarb over everything else... well, maybe not over chocolate, let's face it!
This looks really cute and I hope oyur nephew appreciated it :)
Rhubarb! Love it!
Well I adore rhubarb - and I too used to dip a stick of rhubarb in sugar as a child!
Rhubarb and strawberries are a match made in heaven - especially in crumble.
I was just talking about rhubarb with a colleague and how people just give us stalks because we'll appreciate it.
I love desserts and your photos makes me long for one now. Thanks for your post. This might help you in your business ventures. Thanks again.
Food and Drink is an awesome publication. That aside, these photos are so gorgeous and this recipe is a serious contender for a dinner party I'm hosting this weekend. I love making rhubarb recipes because people DO always seem so skeptical about it, and then I hook them with its delciousnesss. Mua ha ha!
doing dishes and stale pizza... oh you crack me up again :D Beautiful tuiles you made!
last year I went rhubarb nuts (even rhubarb kimchi) but I never tried making it into ice cream.
It looks very goods
I'll definitely to come back to your blog again.
I like Rhubarb... lol. I really do. We used to grow it in our yard when I was little, but we used very often... I'm always looking for new ways to use it.
Rhubarb mayhem everywhere. I wish I knew what it tasted like!
Would you believe that I have never ever had rhubarb?? I've seen it a few times but have never actually eaten it... so if I played your game, rhubarb would probably lose too!!
This does sound delicious. I love rhubarb! strawberry dish looks so beautiful! What a great combination of colors and flavors. Thanks so much for sharing.
I had a baby and have been away from the blog reading world for awhile, but just had some time, got on here and notice it has been awhile since you've posted.
Hope everything is okay and that you are just taking a much deserved break and aren't closed for good!
Me too I am hoping all is well~ Miss your posts!
I'm sorry, I've been a stranger, hope all is well with you Bri.
Gorgeous rhubarb :)
Such a great recipe! Thanks for sharing with us.
I turny over producing rhubarb plants into a tangy HP like sauce which everyone loves. Then I gave one of the plants away to Quellia of All Things Edible.
Next week as soon as our 'Boerman' (Dutch for Farmer man, Door-2-Door veggie salesman) is back from his vacation, I'm buying Rhubarb...and with ginger, it will transform itself into a delicious compote which will make its way on top some delicious low-fat Turkish yoghurt. And then I'll sleep happy.
It looks delicious!
I those empanadas..they look so yummy... :)
My dad loves rhubarb. Thanks for the ideas!
Hi there,
I would like to ask permission to use one of your photos on this website
Could you contact me at ruben.anderson(atsymbol)metrovancouver(dot)org
Thank you very much,
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Hi, remember to Noemie from France?
your blog is great and my english sucks, bye and good continuation
oh! I love rhubarb! great post!!!
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Rhubarb isn't bad at all.....I love it in a compote with ginger, on turkish yoghurt with a sprinkling of almonds. Heaven!!!!!!!
Nothing tastes better than coming across a new taste experience "accidentally!" Thanks for the neat recipe.
I love rhubarb season and reading about all the fun ways to enjoy it. The ice cream sounds delicious.
Love spring and all the rhubarb. We don't have any in our garden yet. I used to live near an Amish community in MO, and bought wonderful rhubarb from them. These look like wonderful recipes.
I've just recently started cooking with rhubarb. Loving it!
The cinnamomn tuiles are gorgeous!
Okay, you win. This post is about the umpteenth post I've seen about rhubarb. What is it about rhubarb? I have never, ever tried it, but since we have some growing behind our chicken coop I suppose I will have to try some!
I love rhubarb too. Love this post.
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