I have been unable to get to my mailbox for four days. My physical mailbox that is. The one I have to walk down the driveway to get to, has been missing. A gas line is being put into the ground along the road outside my house and in order to lay down the piping, they temporarily confiscated my mailbox. That meant no mail for me until today when I finally got in the car and drove to the post office to collect it myself. And what did I find waiting for me? A letter from a friendly fellow blogger that contained a recipe for Bacon and Peanut Butter Muffins from King Arthur Flour. Yes, you read that correctly: bacon AND peanut butter. The photo above is the one I scanned from the letter, I haven't actually had time to make these yet, but I will...

While we're on the wonderful topic of bacon, another friendly food blogger sent me an email a while back linking me to this recipe for bacon vodka. Once again, the picture is not my own, but rather one that I stole from that website as I have not yet had the chance to make it either. I suppose the sound of a bacontini isn't overly appealing, but I was thinking it might be interesting to make a vodka cream pasta using the bacon vodka. Think about it...
And has anyone tried that chocolate bacon bar? I'm convinced it would be good. But then again, I loved bacon brittle. Long live the pig.
mmm bacon anything is heaven!
The Vosges chocolate bacon bar is excellent. We also made some rosemary bacon chocolate truffles at home, which were fantastic, too. Bacon can do no wrong.
Mmmm, bacon and peanut butter muffins sound good.
(One of my favourite sandwiches is bacon, peanut butter and tomato - but only if the tomatoes are ripe and fresh from the garden)
Oh my goodness, this is taking baking to a whole new level!!
The bacon bar is amazing!
Bacon vodka? I can see that I've been missing out here. Bacontini's will be the next hot thing.
Heston Blumenthal at the Fat Duck in Bray makes bacon and egg icecream... It's supposed to be very good. Any takers?
I love bacon and I love vodka. But bacon vodka? Honestly it sounds terrible :-) But I would try the bacon chocolate it I could find it here.
LOL! I'm sorry, you are too funny!
That is so you Brilynn! The muffins I can understand, but I'm afraid I lack your bacon enthusiasm to understand the purpose of the chocolate bar and vodka...
I'm glad to see I am not the only one bombarding you with bacon recipes. We can't help but think of you when we see them.
I can't wait for you to try it, Brilynn!
We bought the Mo's bacon bar to a picnic this summer and it disappeared in seconds. Everyone loved it.
I might have to go buy another right now. (It's not local, but you won't tell, will you?) :)
My sister and I decided to try the bacon bar and we didn't like it.So we tried to pass it off on our husbands, but they didn't like it either, neither did my mom, my other sister, or my stepdad. By that time it was all gone. whew.
Brilynn, please post this recipe! I have to make these for my husband. He'll go crazy. Those are honestly the two things he loves most in the world of food. Why aren't these in KA's Baker's Companion?!!
The original bacon vodka page. At least, for this version.
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