To check out hundreds of other attempts at Tender Potato Bread, check out the Daring Bakers blogroll. There you will learn all you need to know about taming yeast in your kitchen. If you need to crack a few riddles to get your problem solving skills going, give these a try:
What runs all day but never walks,
Often murmurs never talks,
Has a bed but doesn’t sleep,
Has a mouth but doesn’t eat?
I am no sooner spoken, than broken. What am I?
I am always hungry, I must always be fed,
The finger I touch, Will soon turn red.
I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg.
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole.
What am I?
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I forgot it was that time of the month again! (No, not that THAT time of the month :) Good one. It does look tender and pizza-esque.
Were both of your breads made with the same dough? They both look great! I've got to try this one!
Great looking bread and riddle!
I have enough trouble with Frech riddles, now these ?!!!eheheh...The breads look wonderful, I hope the whole family got to enjoy them!
It's so very true....once you tame the yeast beast, it quickly becomes your friend.
Beautiful breads.
Very nice bread !
Never had any problems with yeast or baking bread but riddles, that's a real problem! Why Bri, why do you have to post things like that and make me feel so dumb!?
You're making my head hurt. Can I just have some of that bread? Looks like it turned out beautifully. What kind of olive is that?
Yes you're right! Don't afraid working with yeast. You were very successful! Nice loaf and foccacia!
i think i know the answers to the first two riddles, but the last two..i'm stumped! nice lookin' bread!
Yeast is so scary the first time you work with it, and so rewarding forever after. Your bread looks lovely -- and so different from some of the other DBers. That's what I love about this -- every DB post gives you a different perspective on the same recipe.
Ok so I seem to be having trouble cracking the riddles and I was just feeling so clever with myself for doing the bread job so nicely. BOOHOO!
Your breads look great Bril well done!
love the riddle and your bread turned out great
Your bread is wonderful, I love the pictures with the olives. But now I'm stumped on the last riddle. Give us a hint?
Bri, as usual your post is classic! Great job on the bread this month. It was fun wasn't it??!!
Beautiful breads! I'm good with yeast but I stink at solving riddles :)
Oh, that foccacia looks wonderful! I just made two simple loaves, because I was recovering from Thanksgiving. I should have known my recovery would be quick!
You've certainly figured out the riddle of the yeast with your gorgeous results!
I am so bad at riddles. But luckily yeast is not a riddle to me!! Your bread looks wonderful!
I suck at riddles. But your bread looks ever so Yum! Everyone made such gorgeous focaccia, I may make this again to try that version. Great job!
What beautiful bread! Such a nice job on the challenge. I haven't quite cracked the riddle of yeast yet, but I do love solving other riddles. I like the ones you picked. :)
Very nice Bri! I will be thinking about that riddle all day now!
A good riddle on a monday morning. It will keep me thinking!
your focaccia looks fabulous! mmm now I feel hungry!
Looks lovely! I have much to learn in the riddles of yeast but this was a good recipe. That last riddle of yours is maddening! I hope you'll give out the answers later.
alright Brilynn, now you get me started thinking about the riddle whole day, and I am not even good with cracking riddles in the first place!
lol very original way to present your post, and I agree with you, bread isn´t scary at all after a while.
Whoosh! That knocks the wind out of my sails. I can do yeast but never riddles!
Love your bread and your photos!
Love your post- it's riddled with good taste ;-)
Lovely bread Bri-
Wow your breads look great - you've definitely mastered them!
Great work again!
Smart riddle. ;P
Julius from Occasional Baker
Great riddle comparison. I must be in such bread-mode, though, that when I saw this one (I am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I touch, Will soon turn red.) all I could think of was: starter yeast? Dyed read?
Yup, baking bread is great, isn't it? (Beautiful looking loaves)
P.S. I'm stumped on the last two riddles!
Nice looking focaccia! Ah, fresh home made bread with butter... mmm...
Your loaf looks so nice and soft I just want to squish it!
The bread looks wonderful. My biggest problem, hands down, is finding a warm enough place for the dough to rise. I read somewhere that the recommended temperature was 85 degrees Farenheit! And clearly, I'm not too good at riddles!
Bread looks great! Love the toppings. I've got the first riddle figured out but not the second.
Yummy looking breads!
a river!
i don't know!
Congratulations on your potato bread...looks delicious!
Your bread looks delicious. I especially like your foccacia adaptation. I agree in general about all baking and about yeast-- the more you know the better off you are. Lovely bread. Wendy
Your breads look wonderful! I love that gorgeous focaccia! Well done!
Those are lovely breads! =)
Nice riddle you have there, a smart one too.
The bread looks simply lovely! so whats the answer to the riddle? (",)
Your bread looks great! and I love the riddles too!
beautifull breads.. loved... and made me wish i've made more focaccia and used onions.
Great bread here! Glad this month was palin sailing :) Well done.
Very nicely done! I love the roundness of your loaf. (And, please tell me that you will be revealing the riddle answers at some point.)
A river, a secret, a fire, a snake.
Great bread!
Lovely bread...especially slathered with butter! But where are the answers to the riddles??? Seriously! I'll be thinking of this all day!
Love the bread and especially the foccaccia, Brylinn. But I'm absolute crap at riddles, what's the solution pretty please?
My head hurts too much for the riddles. But I would love a piece of that focaccia. Gorgeous ingredients you used to top it.
You are going to tell us the answers to the riddles, right?
Love your analogy to riddles. Yeast really is that way. Yummy looking bread & foccacia, and your photos are beautiful as always.
Oooh wow, they look delicious. Great job on the challenge this month!!
-jen at use real butter
Your loaf, it's absolutely stunning! And the crumb is excellent. Great job!
Christina ~ She Runs, She Eats
So true about yeast, Brilynn! You can never learn enough about the stuff! Your bread looks amazing and I love the rhyme!
Lovely breads--you've defintely got that riddle figured out! I loved the riddles, too! That last one took a bit to figure out!
You did a fabulous job on your bread. I love your focaccia & the poem.
Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go
Oh I am lousy at riddles, even ones I've heard before and should know the answers to, so I will just sit here and admire your bread instead.
I'm late to your party... there's a LOT of potato bread out there to digest. I loved your description of working with yeast... and the brain teasers before bed. :)
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